{% extends 'bundles/NelmioApiDocBundle/SwaggerUi/base.html.twig' %} {% block content %}

Encryption API Authentication Download Example: Java | Golang | PHP

To authenticate for any API call you will have to add all headers below for each
request and encrypt payload used in POST,PUT requests using shared key provided by Paynetics.

Payload encryption

Algorithm: AES Key Length: 256 Mode: CBC

Body of the request have to be encrypted using aes-256-cbc and the IV have to prepended.
Cipher body have to be send base64 encoded.

JSON body: "{"card_number":"5555555555554444"}"
IV: some random bytes (16)
Request: base64 encoded( IV + Enrypted Json body) m5hbCBwbGVhc3VyZS4=
{% endblock %}