{% extends 'bundles/NelmioApiDocBundle/SwaggerUi/base.html.twig' %} {% block content %}
To authenticate for any API call you will have to add 4 headers for each request.
API Key given by Paynetics
Type will be given by Paynetics
Current UNIX timestamp.
HMAC sha256. Use secret key for hash vector.
Body of the hash is formed by concatenating
API Key+Timestamp+Operation+Content Body (Required: POST+PUT request)
HMAC_SHA256 with API Secret of
HMAC_SHA256 with API Secret of
HMAC_SHA256 with API Secret of
{ " name ": " Paynetics " } will be {"name":"Paynetics"}
For example if request timestamp is 1591096701 and current timestamp is 1591096720
request will not be authorized!
curl -XGET -H 'x-api-key: {replace-with-api-key}' -H 'x-timestamp:
{replace-with-unix-timestamp}' -H 'x-hash: {replace-with-sha256-generated-hash}' -H
"Content-type: application/json" 'https://secure.payoo.cloud/v1/init'