{% extends 'bundles/NelmioApiDocBundle/SwaggerUi/base.html.twig' %} {% block content %}
  1. Card Number: 4111111111111111
    Official Test Card
  2. Card Number: 5555555555554444
    Official Test Card
Equens Wordline Simulator is amount base.

Each valid card number can be used.

To test different response code scenarios amount 20000 have to be used where 3rd and 4th digit represents the response code.

For example to receive Response Code 05( Do not honer ) 20050 amount have to be currency does not matter.

To simulate different CVV response statuses values below have to be used.

  • CVV: 333
    No check
  • CVV: 444
  • CVV: 555
    Unable to check
  • CVV: 222
  1. Card Number: 4010119999999897
    Amount based
  2. Card Number: 4341792000000044
    RC 00
  3. Card Number: 5100789999999895
    Amount based
  4. Card Number: 5100770000000022
    RC 00
  5. Card Number: 5555000000070019
    RC 04 Pick Up
  6. Card Number: 5555000000070027
    RC 13 Invalid amount
  7. Card Number: 5555000000070035
    RC 91 Issuer or switch is inoperative
Borica Simulator is amount base.

The cards specified as "Amount based" above have to be used.

From To RC Message
1.00 1.99 01 Refer to card issuer
2.00 2.99 04 Pick Up
3.00 3.99 05 Do not Honour
4.00 4.99 13 Invalid amount
5.00 5.99 30 Format Error
6.00 6.99 91 Issuer or switch is inoperative
7.00 7.99 96 System Malfunction
8.00 8.99 82 Timeout
30.00 40.00 01 Refer to card issuer
50.00 70.00 04 Pick up
80.00 90.00 05 Do not Honour
100.00 110.00 13 Invalid amount
120.00 130.00 30 Format Error
140.00 150.00 91 Issuer or switch is inoperative
160.00 170.00 96 System Malfunction
180.00 190.00 82 Timeout
10000.65 10000.65 65/1A Soft Decline
{% endblock %}